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The flight of the hanging plant

The exalted plant

Indoor hanging ceramic planter

The plant rises from the earth into the airspace of your home, as if floating on a cloud.

This ceiling hanging planter is specially designed for indoor spaces.

macetero colgante

The exalted plant

Indoor hanging ceramic planter

La planta asciende de la tierra al espacio aéreo de tu hogar, como flotando en una nube. Esta maceta colgante para techo está especialmente diseñada para espacios interiores.

macetero colgante

The exalted plant

Indoor hanging ceramic planter

The plant rises from the earth into the airspace of your home, as if floating on a cloud.

This ceiling hanging planter is specially designed for indoor spaces.

Hanging Planter for indoor plants

Hanging Planter for indoor plants

Plantcloud is a hanging planter with drainage that consists of 2 handmade ceramic pieces.

It is supported by a vegetable leather belt. This biomaterial is made from the remains of pineapple leaves. This pot is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. It’s excellent to hang it on the ceiling.

Su sistema de imanes permite poder regar la planta  de interior en la misma maceta y en el momento adecuado se puede retirar el recipiente con un sencillo movimiento y vaciar el agua.

This ceramic pot is made entirely by hand.

This product contains the natural imperfections resulting from handcrafting.

Medidas maceta: 

height 19 cm, diameter 18 cm

Total height with ribbon: 95 cm

Hanging Planter for indoor plants

Plantcloud is a hanging planter with drainage that consists of 2 handmade ceramic pieces.

It is supported by a vegetable leather belt. This biomaterial is made from the remains of pineapple leaves. This pot is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. It’s excellent to hang it on the ceiling.

Its magnet system allows for watering the indoor hanging plant in the same planter, and at the right moment, the container can be removed with a simple movement and emptied of water.

This ceramic pot is made entirely by hand.

This product contains the natural imperfections resulting from handcrafting.

Medidas maceta: 

height 19 cm, diameter 18 cm

Total height with ribbon: 95 cm

trabajando maceta colgante
trabajando maceta colgante
cuero vegetal con hojas de piñas

Made from pineapple leaves

At the outset in the design of this flowerpot, we thought that the supporting material should be animal leather. But we were aware of a contradiction between the quality of the material and the responsibility to animals.

After much research, we discovered this marvellous biomaterial that is very similar to leather and is made from the remains of pineapple leaves. If you want to know more about this material, it is called piñatex and it is known as vegetable leather.

Vegetable leather ribbon

maceta colgante de cerámica blanca
cuero vegetal con hojas de piñas

Made from pineapple leaves

At the outset in the design of this flowerpot, we thought that the supporting material should be animal leather. But we were aware of a contradiction between the quality of the material and the responsibility to animals.

After much research, we discovered this marvellous biomaterial that is very similar to leather and is made from the remains of pineapple leaves. If you want to know more about this material, it is called piñatex and it is known as vegetable leather.

Vegetable leather ribbon

maceta colgante de cerámica blanca
cuero vegetal con hojas de piñas

Made from pineapple leaves

At the outset in the design of this flowerpot, we thought that the supporting material should be animal leather. But we were aware of a contradiction between the quality of the material and the responsibility to animals.

Después de mucho indagar, descubrimos esta maravilla de biomaterial que es muy similar al cuero y está elaborado con los restos de las hojas de las piñas. Si quieres saber más sobre este material se llama piñatex y es conocido como cuero vegetal.

Vegetable leather ribbon

maceta colgante de cerámica blanca


to the light

hanging design planter

The plant is a special guest in our home. When we raise the plant up, we are extolling its beauty and splendour.

Plantcloud is a ceramic pot to hang the plant inside your home with an easy, clean watering system.

Quieres saber porqué estos maceteros de cerámica pueden dar paz a tu casa?


to the light

maceta colgante cerca de la ventana
hanging design planter

The plant is a special guest in our home. When we raise the plant up, we are extolling its beauty and splendour.

Plantcloud is a ceramic pot to hang the plant inside your home with an easy, clean watering system.

hanging design planter


to the light

maceta colgante cerca de la ventana

The plant is a special guest in our home. When we raise the plant up, we are extolling its beauty and splendour.

hanging design planter

Plantcloud is a ceramic pot to hang the plant inside your home with an easy, clean watering system.
