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Durable hanging plants

We show you some of the most durable and beautiful hanging plants to decorate special corners of your home. Be sure to add an elegant and unique touch to your space and consider what type of pot is suitable for each plant..

And don’t forget that there is beauty in plants and beauty is food for your soul!

Senecio Rowleyanus

  • This plant is also popularly known as Rosary or Pearl Necklace.
  • Senecio is a succulent plant that is ideal for use in hanging pots and is especially optimal for indoor spaces.
  • Senecio has a great capacity for survival because its leaves are like balls and store water, so they are a reservoir of self-defense during drought periods. Therefore, watering should only be done when the soil is dry.
  • In spring, and under appropriate conditions, it can surprise you by giving you some beautiful and delicate white flowers.
macetero para plantas colgantes

Scindapsus Pictus

  • Another excellent plant for indoor spaces is the Scindapsus Pictus.
  • This vine has silver spots on its velvety leaves that provide this hanging plant with a unique beauty. That’s why it’s popularly known as Silver Pothos.
  • In summer, it is important to water it frequently so that the soil remains slightly moist.
  • It is good to moisten the leaves from time to time with a water diffuser or a sponge.

Epipremnum aureum

  • Pothos is one of the most popular indoor hanging plants.
  • It is a very resilient ivy in any condition, even in low-light spaces and does not require special care.
  • It has a great capacity for purifying the air and cleaning the usual toxins in indoor spaces. That’s why it’s widely used in a variety of spaces, offices and homes.
ceiling hanging pot


  • Aporophyllum It is a hanging cactus with thin, elongated stems with numerous spines.
  • In spring and autumn they produce long clusters from which pink flowers bloom.
  • It requires very little water but a lot of light. In winter, it is not necessary to water it and it must be protected from the cold.
  • Every 3 or 4 years, plants tend to become woody at the bottom, so it is recommended to prune the plant intensively in order to promote the development of new vigorous stems.
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